Digital Marketing FAQ

It depends on what your competition is doing, and how specific or "niche" your product or service is. We recommend a Digital Marketing Plan to work out the best strategies for your specific business. In order to attract more attention online, we will recommend some combination of: 

  • search engine optimization
  • article writing
  • social media
  • linking campaign
  • email marketing
  • pay-per-click ads
  • public relations

Search ranking is result of many, many factors that are all taken into account in the split second after someone types a word or phrase into the search bar. In order to be competitive when compared to other websites, you'll need to prove to Google and other search engines that your website has the most information, the most accurate information, and is the best answer to the user's question or search term.
Proving it is no easy job: We will work with you to establish domain authority (your reputation as a long-standing and expert website), freshness (new content, posted frequently) and relevance (content specifically about the question asked in search). These factors all require consistent effort over a period of time. We are proud to always use industry-recommended tactics and strategies.

Website Design FAQ

YES! Mobile-friendliness used to be a special feature with an extra charge, but these days it's mandatory. All of the websites we build are mobile friendly.

If you are available to respond when we are seeking feedback, it will take between six and 12 weeks. This includes:

  • our Personal Touch intake process,
  • top-notch technical development, built on a solid foundation,
  • our collaborative design process with your input at each step
  • your approval and authorization to publish the website
  • our Zero Bugs launch procedures
  • and a training session with you, if you want to learn to make basic edits

Yes, you will have full administrative access to your website. We will teach you to make edits to text and change images. If you want to change the design by making new rows or columns, changing backgrounds, etc. you are welcome to do that, but we don't teach those skills. We are, however, available for support if you'd like us to make a change for you in the future.

Usually five to 10 pages, but we will give you a customized quote once we understand what you want to accomplish. Sometimes the word "page" is misleading. We also don't want to see you squeeze a ton of unrelated information onto a single page just to save a buck. 

If it's a new website, it's almost always easy to change. If it's more than three years old, it might be more of a challenge. The technical pieces of websites become outdated quickly and it may be more economical to rebuild your website with newer technology when you are ready for a change.

We provide a basic SEO foundation when we launch your website. We "turn it on" and change the settings so that Google robots can find the website, and we install a calculator that can measure how well your pages are optimized for Google search. We do NOT conduct keyword research and optimize each page until we have an agreement with you for monthly marketing services that include SEO. Detailed SEO work is not included with website design -- just the basics.


Yes, we have several people on our team who specialize in writing for websites. They can conduct research or interview you or write your web pages based on other information you provide such as brochures or other marketing materials you have.

If you are available to respond when we are seeking feedback, it will take between six and 12 weeks. This includes:

  • our Personal Touch intake process,
  • top-notch technical development, built on a solid foundation,
  • our collaborative design process with your input at each step
  • your approval and authorization to publish the website
  • our Zero Bugs launch procedures
  • and a training session with you, if you want to learn to make basic edits

Yes, as long as you are still able to log into the account you used to purchase that domain name. We will connect your domain name to the new website once you approve the new website and complete your payment for our design services.

Yes, we LOVE redesigning existing websites. It's rewarding to see how organizations have grown and developed since the last time they designed their website, and it feels great to give an older website a facelift with new styles and modern design methods.

Small business websites, nonprofit websites, e-commerce websites, photo gallery websites, news websites, promotional websites ... all of the kinds.

Yes, please check out our portfolio here.

No, our designers can make your website look any way you want it to. We will start with a design template to make our jobs a little easier, but you don't need to worry about that part of the process. We will guide you through our intake process and create something you love. If you have some websites you love (or hate), please share those with us during intake so we can be sure to hit the target of what you want to see.

Web Maintenance FAQ

Yes! In fact, we insist on it if you want your website to be stored in our happy, healthy community of websites on our cloud server. If you don't want our maintenance services, we will help you find hosting elsewhere.

We will be here for you. We've been supporting the websites we have built for more than a decade, and we aren't going anywhere. There's no annoying ticketing process. Just call or email and you'll find us ready to help.

Web hosting means renting some space on a computer that holds the files that make your website display online. That computer needs to be reliably connected to the internet so the website is always turned on. You may use any host you like, but you'll receive the best service and protection if you host through SiteInSight. We have our own private cloud server from InMotion Hosting, which we maintain and control. Your website will have its own cPanel access so that you can administer every detail of your hosting environment if you wish. But most clients enjoy knowing they don't have to think about any of that. We send a report every month to let you know how healthy and reliable your website hosting and maintenance is.

We provide a basic SEO foundation when we launch your website. We "turn it on" and change the settings so that Google robots can find the website, and we install a calculator that can measure how well your pages are optimized for Google search. We do NOT conduct keyword research and optimize each page until we have an agreement with you for monthly marketing services that include SEO. Detailed SEO work is not included with website design -- just the basics.

Yes, we LOVE redesigning existing websites. It's rewarding to see how organizations have grown and developed since the last time they designed their website, and it feels great to give an older website a facelift with new styles and modern design methods.

Often we know about it before you, because of our monitoring software, and we will be in touch to let you know what is wrong, and what we are doing to get your website back to normal. We also rescue websites we didn't build. Please call or email for our excellent website rescue service.

Oh yes, very much. We take great pride in our maintenance service to our customers. We invest in software to keep careful tabs on our websites and ensure we install any and all updates that will improve your website and keep it safe.

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